30.5.15 Saturday

Yorkshire Wildlife Trust held a Weekend Event at Potteric Carr on Saturday the 30th and invited us to attend to show visitors the Sun through our telescopes during the day, at a specific time slot, then the stars, during another slot in the late evening. The slot wasn't noticed as visitors came through our area all day, in small groups or ones and twos.
The Solar event was a success in patchy clear and cloud, but the late evening session was cancelled through full cloud cover, so we spent the evening at a local pub to recover from the day's labours.
We had the PST, Dave's 80ED with a white light filter and Rhys's 8" Celestron with a white light filter. We also set up the big binoculars to look at terrestrial sights, which proved very useful as we had a nesting pair of Canada geese near by with three goslings.
We erected the gazebo in the Butterfly circle with our photos on the display boards too, all very much as we do for summer shows. Helpers were Dave and Lesley, Sandra, Mark, Rhys, Elaine, Dev Das and me.